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So Called ‘Bust Up’ Undoubtedly Blown Way Out of Proportion

Another Daily Mail barrage on Villa has seen the paper report a supposed bust up at Villa’s recent team bonding spa trip in sunny Leicester. Unfortunately I wasn’t there but neither were the so called journalists who are hyping up some kind of ‘Gangs of New York’ fracas. It is speculated in the Mail and the Guardian that there was a drunken brawl, although both admit that no physical violence was shown. Basically they say that this was alcohol fueled, probably a beer with a meal, and that there was a disagreement of which I have no doubt that there probably was but an argument is hardly a fracas. Just journalists peddling a story that isn’t there in my opinion but I could be wrong. Both sources go on to say that is the latest in a string of incidents, seemingly blaming the manager to some part, who wasn’t even there. Anyway I wouldn’t be too worried fellow Villans, despite the club releasing a pretty standard statement reading: “The club is aware that there has been an incident. We have launched an investigation in line with our internal disciplinary procedures.” Hardly heads will roll stuff so lets just worry about the football shall we!

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