Villa captain Stiliyan Petrov has followed suit from Luke Young after admitting that the club’s campaign has been bitterly disappointing, urging the players to ensure that this season’s failings are a one-off. There was one line in his response to being asked whether the club should bring in new players which stood out to me, saying: “You need to ask the people who are going to be in charge that question”, not you need to ask the management that question, adding to the speculation that Gerard Houllier and Gary McAllister will not be in charge next time round.
“We need to make sure this season is only a one-off because, with the players and the quality we have got here, it has not lived up to expectations.
“We haven’t performed this season and we know that it is down to us and nobody else.
“We have let the fans down, and we will not run away from that fact, and we have to make sure that we are right for next season.”
“It has been a long and frustrating season.
“I think you need to ask the people who are going to be in charge that question (whether the club need to bring in new players).
“If I become a manager then I can tell you. But seriously it is always nice to see new faces because every single team will try and strengthen.
“Every team will bring in new faces to make the team better and hopefully we can do that as well.”
“He (Gerard Houllier) is getting better and we hope it will not be long before we see him again. But it is important that he puts his health first.”
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