A club statement from Aston Villa has confirmed the speculation suggesting that Roberto Martinez would turn down the opportunity to replace Gerard Houllier at Villa Park. The young Spaniard’s loyalty to his club and chairman should be applauded but I fear it is at the severe detriment to image of our great club with our pulling power through the floor. Dreams of Ancelotti seem far away now! A bad day regardless of whether fans were keen on the move or not and Randy needs to make a real turnaround with Martinez now joining the likes of Ancelotti, Benitez, McLaren and Hughes who are all thought to be definite no go’s for the club. Hard to keep the faith but try, we need to unite in hard times!Official club statement:
The Club would like to thank Wigan Athletic Football Club and its chairman, Dave Whelan, for their professionalism in dealing with our request to speak to Roberto Martinez.
Roberto’s qualities as a young and aspirational manager ensured him of a position high on our short list of potential new managers.
Given that he had one year remaining on his contract at Wigan, we made an official approach through the proper channels, though we were aware of a commitment he had made to his Club to agree and sign a new contract following the final game of last season.
Roberto met with his chairman earlier this week and he has made the decision to honour his commitment to Wigan.
Therefore, we have not met Roberto and we have not had the opportunity to discuss the vacant managerial role with him.
We remain focused and are working hard to secure the best candidate for Aston Villa who will complement the Club’s commitment to be true to our heritage, competitiveness and passionate fan base, and will have the new manager in place to prepare the players for the pre-season programme and next season’s campaign.
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